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​豆蔻年华  Herstory





作品英文名为Grandma‘s Visual Diary,以Tale,Local,Her三条线索构建视觉文本。王尔德曾说,「记忆是每个人带在身上的日记。」作为一个平凡百姓,历史的叙述从未留意过她们。奶奶不识字,她的生命日记更多是在她的图像记忆之中,或许也因为如此,她讲述起过去的故事更加生动。我希望以图像构建一组Herstory(女性历史),不仅是个体的、女性的视角和文本,也在于较为细腻的生命呈现。




Herstory  combined the image documents from old photographs, interviews which refer to these historical images, and new photographs I took during the interviews. Above all, new photographic works are created by superimposed images, contrasting the inter-generational individuals, which is, existing in the history and in the present landscape.


The work is also called  Grandma's Visual Diary. Wilde once said, "Memory is a diary that everyone brings." My grandma can't read or write, So her memories were always reserved as imagery ones.

As an ordinary person and a female, she was barely noticed in historical narratives. I hope to build a ”Herstory” through images, in which not only female's individual perspective, but also the delicate living trace were presented.​

 ©Rae Xiao 2018

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